Articles in "Pax500, PaxPnp" Category

7 article(s) found in this category.
  • Can my unit be upgraded to use EzDent-i and Ez3D-i?

    Platform 2 (NEXGen Devices)All Listed Units are supported for upgrade to EZDent-i for 2D/3D units and Ez3D-i for all 3D Units*Pax-iPax-i3DPax-i3D GreenSmart3DEzSensor MultiEzSesnor-PreimiumEzSensor- HD*upgrade for Easydent4 sites are not included in lifetime updates. Please contact your local Vatech Rep for more information about upgrading to NEXGe...

  • What should I use to clean and Sanitize my X-ray unit; covers and accessories?

    Vatech America does not recommend or endorse any cleaning product in particularly. It is the responsibility of the practitioner to determine what is adequate for use to clean and sanitize based on FDA as well as local codes.However based on performance and recommendation by Vatech Users ; Clorox Brand* Hydrogen peroxide wipes. (Contains no bleachin...

  • How Long should I wait to use my X-ray machine after turning on?

    Typically with in the first 5 minuets should be adequate, however industry standard is 10-15 minuets to allow for proper warmup; oils; or other parts to warm up and stabilize.Please use your best discretion.

  • How do we keep our Legacy Device HIPAA or PIPEDA Compliant

    First you will want to determine if your Legacy Device is eligible for updating to either Windows 7 or Windows 10.Click here for  Legacy Windows 7 CompatibilityClick here for Legacy Windows 10 CompatibilityOnce you have determined if your Legacy Device is eligible either of the following choices might applyA. If your device is not Wi...

  • Hardware: Windows 10 Upgrade and Compatibility List

    All Listed Units are considered "Legacy" and are non -supported for Windows 8/10. Ewoo  Legacy UnitsPicasso TrioPicasso DuoPicasso Master3D/Master3Ds(non Picasso) Master3D/Master3DsAnySensor (all sizes) Vatech Legacy UnitsPax500Pax P&PPaxPrimo* (LCD TYPE)PaxFlexPaxFlex3DPaxUni , PaxUni3D (all FOV's and versions*)Pax...

  • Error in program callers code / CVDACQ_ETERR program Code

    Error in program callers code / CVDACQ_ETERR program Code is occurred when communication between PC (Capture program) and One Shot* Ceph sensor (OS PRO) or (OS PRO TROY) style sensor is not established, or sensor not ready state in IP communication occurs.  First you will want to turn off the X-ray device for 20 seconds and allow the unit...

  • Hardware: Windows 7 Upgrade and Compatibility List

    Supported Windows 7 Devices: Note: All 3D Devices must be inspected for supporting “FrameGrabber/AnyGrabber” Card. IT or Certified Dealer Technician Visit is required to inspect the card to confirm it is compatible for upgrade. Vatech Legacy Units: EzSensor (Non Multi Series) Pax500 Pax P&P PaxPrimo* (LCD TYPE) PaxUni , PaxUni3D (Except H-Pannel Versions) -32bit only...