NOTE: installing capture program should only be done by authorized service tehcnician.
During NCSW Installation
- To Install the twain for Green 18 - you simply have to select the CR type - Pano & Ceph modes during installation options to Twain mode. This is done during installation of the NCSW Capture program.
- Each 2D Modaility we refer to as CR Type - Pano & Ceph will prompt during installation.
- Select 'TWAIN' for CR type / Pano & Ceph modes. or SDK for EzDenti saving.
- Once the installer finishes you will have the twain installed automatically and the CR Type for Pano & Ceph images will be preset to Twain saving mode.
After NCSW Installation
- If NCSW has already been installed you can still install the twain manually by access the files on the installation CD.
- Browse the installation CD and locate the Setupfiles - Contined with in you will find a 'Utils' folder.
- Open the folder and inside you will locate the TWAIN folder. Copy this folder.
- Now in a new windows open a Windows File Window, and browse to C:\Windows\Twain_32\
- In this folder paste the copied folder, if prompted for extra secuirty approval hit yes or allow.
- Once the folder is copied right click and hit rename folder. - Rename the folder to VESW.
Software Configuration:
- Open the NCSW Capture program normally or by twain test application such as Twacker
- Open the settings by clicking the gear icon in the upper right hand corner.
- Select 'Engineer' and enter the default password.
- Select the 'General' tab to access the Patient information and Link information settings.
Patient information Setting:
- For CT saving, Patient information should be pointed default location C:\VCaptureSW\exe\
- For CR (Pano & Ceph) for twain saving, Patient information should be pointed default location C:\VCaptureSW\
Note: This file might need to be modified to reflect default Twain information, in the event the file is not present copy the one from the C:\VCaptureSW\exe\ to this location C:\VCaptureSW (root) and edit.
As shown in the image below; it can also work reverssed as long as EzDenti is properly matching the CT Link type section. Outlined in Red and CR mode opposit as outlined in Green.
Link Information Setting:
- CT Link Type should remain 'SDK Link' as shown outlined in Red.
- CR Link (Pano & Ceph) - Should be set to 'Twain Link' if twain mode is desired as outlined in Green.
- Click Save once all desired settings have been entered and close.